WordPress Plugins
Progress Map
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Markers Filter
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List & Filter
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Nearby Places
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Keyword Search
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“Map Search” Bundle
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Progress Map Demos
General overview
Markers filter
Draw a map search
Keyword search
Submit locations
List & Filter
Advanced search
Play medias on the map
Distance Search
Address & distance search
Change the minimun & maximum distance of search
Change the distance unit to Miles
Resize the circle around the search address to show more or less locations
Customize the circle
Faceted Search
Filter locations by multiple category terms
Filter posts by one category term
Check/Select term(s) on map load
Change the style of the filter inputs
Nearby Places
Find nearby points of interest
Find nearby places to user location
Resize the circle around the points of interest to show more or less results
Customize the nearby places marker icons
Choose the place types to use
Draw polygons on the map
Use multiple posts to draw polygons
Connect polygons to posts
Open a link on polygon click
Add polygon description infobox
Draw polylines on the map
Use multiple posts to draw polylines
Connect polylines to posts
Open a link on polyline click
Add polyline description infobox
Map Holes
Highlight specific areas of interest
Customize the map fill color & the holes stroke color
Ground Overlays
Render image(s) on the map
Change the image opacity
Allow the users to show & hide the image(s)
Hide the image(s) on map load
Connect the image(s) to a marker and show/hide it depending on that marker visibility
Open a link on image click
KML Layers
Add KML/KMZ Layers
Connect the KML/KMZ layer to a post
Restricting Map Bounds
Relaxed Bounds Restriction
Restrictive Bounds Restriction
Heatmap Layer
Display heatmap layer
Change the heatmap point weight & maximum intensity
Change the heatmap point radius
Change the heatmap opacity
Customize the heatmap color gradient
Use Autocomplete for address fields
Restrict the autocomplete search to map viewport
Restrict the autocomplete search to specific countries
Zooming to Countries
Zoom the map to country bounds
Zoom the map to country center
Choose the countries to add to the list
Localize the countries list
Route Map
Single Post Maps
Light Map
Static Map
Nearby Places Map
Directions Map
Streetview Map
Marker Clustering
Marker Categories Icons
Default Marker Icons
Custom Marker Icons
SVG Marker Icons
GIF Marker Icons
Marker Width & Height
Marker Popups
Add popups to markers
Display custom field value in the marker popup
Display one taxonomy term in the marker popup
Display all taxonomy terms in the marker popup
5 Stars rating popup based on custom field value
5 Stars rating popup based on taxonomy term
Add text before & after marker popup
Display marker popups on top
Display marker popups on bottom
Display marker popups on right
Display marker popups on left
Customize the marker popups
Marker Labels
Automatically label all markers with a number
Custom label for each marker
Mixed marker labels
Change marker label position
Customize the marker label style
Marker Menu
Add a menu to the markers
Change the display order of the menu items
Place the menu on the left side of the marker
Place the menu on the right side of the marker
Place the menu on top of the marker
Place the menu on the bottom of the marker
Open the menu on marker click
Open the menu on marker mouse enter/hover
Open the menu on marker right-click
Close the menu by clicking anywhere on the map
Close the menu on marker mouse leave
Add a close button to the marker menu
Customize the marker menu
Infobox Types
Show All Infoboxes
Show Infoboxes when reaching a zoom level
Show Infoboxes on marker click
Show Infoboxes on marker hover
Add close button to Infoboxes
Change Infoboxes width & height
Open Infobox link in a new window
Open Infobox link in same window
Open Infobox link inside a modal/popup
Open the Nearby Places map on infobox click
Disable Infobox link
Infobox Custom Title
Infobox Custom Content
Map Styles
Road Map
Custom Styles
Hiding Map Features With Styling
Show user location on the map
Display nearby places to user current position
Map-Up, Carousel-Down
Map-Down, Carousel-Up
Map-Right, Carousel-Left
Map-Left, Carousel-Right
Map with carousel on top
Map, toggle carousel from top
Map, toggle carousel from bottom
Map-Up, Carousel-Down (Vertical)
Map-Down, Carousel-Up (vertical)
Map-Right, Carousel-Left (vertical)
Map-Left, Carousel-Right (vertical)
Map with carousel on top (vertical)
Map, toggle carousel from top (vertical)
Map, toggle carousel from bottom (vertical)
Syncronize the carousel with the viewport of the map
Right-to-left carousel
Auto scroll the carousel
Move the carousel using the mouse wheel
Move the carousel with touch swipe
Carousel items vertical view
Change the carousel items size
Hide the image of the carousel items
Custom title for the carousel items
Custom content for the carousel items
Open the carousel items link in a new window
Open the carousel items link inside a modal/popup
Open the nearby palces map on carousel items click
Deactivate the carousel items redirects
Hide the more button of the carousel items
Localizing the Map
Right-to-Left Languages
Map Background
Max. zoom
Min. zoom
User Interaction
Zooming the map on double click
Zooming the map using mouse scroll wheel
Disable draging the map
Clickable icons
Show map type control
Show street view control
Show rotate control
Show fullscreen control
Resize the map controls
Traffic, Transit, & Bicycling Layers
Traffic layer
Transit layer
Bicycling layer
Contact Page Map
Frontend submit form
Marker Menu
Progress Map Demos
Marker Menu
Add a menu to the markers
Change the display order of the menu items
Place the menu on the left side of the marker
Place the menu on the right side of the marker
Place the menu on top of the marker
Place the menu on the bottom of the marker
Open the menu on marker click
Open the menu on marker mouse enter/hover
Open the menu on marker right-click
Close the menu by clicking anywhere on the map
Close the menu on marker mouse leave
Add a close button to the marker menu
Customize the marker menu