List & Filter

List & Filter Add-on

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List & Filter

List & Filter is an extension of Progress Map. It allows you to switch the carousel in Progress Map to a list, it also provides an advanced search tool that allows to explore listings by applying multiple filters. You can filter by keywords, posts publish date, by multiple taxonomy terms (categories) and/or multiple custom fields.

Beside the filter, the plugin provides another tool that allows to sort listings based on multiple orders. The sort tool is not limited to the options “A to Z” or “Z to A”, you can add unlimited custom options based on your custom fields (e.g. “sort by price”, “sort by surface”, etc …).

The list items can be displayed as grid and/or list. Every element in the plugin can be adjusted from the settings pages. All actions are handled using AJAX. There are other features that i’ll let you discover yourself by trying these demos. Enjoy & have fun!